About Our School

What Makes Us Special

Tully GATE Magnet is located in the historic Barrio Sobaco Neighborhood on the west side of Tucson. We have a diverse population of students who speak more than 13 different languages!

Tully is an integrated school that teaches gifted and talented education to all students. This is the premise of an Open Access gifted program. We believe that every student is a gifted learner. Our job is to help students develop that talent. 

GATE instruction is designed to expand student’s thinking by providing lessons that offer depth and complexity in their everyday instruction. A core component of GATE instruction is providing differentiation strategies so all students can be met at their current levels. 

Differentiation strategies in the classroom provide students with the best environment for having their academic needs met. These strategies can be as simple as providing more challenging reading materials and studying problems that have no clear solution to creating specialized learning centers and allowing for flexible groupings of students.  

Our school is focused on the Kaplin’s Habits of a Scholar. We teach these habits explicitly in design instruction that reinforces these essential skills. 

As part of our GATE focus, all students participate in regular talent development lessons. This gives students the opportunity to think critically and deeper about a problem.  Many of these exercises are game-based and the students really get engaged. 

Social Emotional learning is another cornerstone of the Open Access GATE model. Students learn to work cooperatively and develop empathy for those around them.  

If you are interested in learning more about Tully GATE Magnet Elementary School check out our FaceBook page, check out our website or give us a call.  (520) 225-2400.